Weekly Update 6January23

It’s been a couple weeks since I’ve made a video because we were closed the last week of the year. I tried to rest and I halfway succeeded. I actually strained my lcl on the right knee. The little ligament that connects the top bone to the bottom bone. I’m working to get it healed. I joke that I have my rapper walk on right no. But hopefully soon it will be better thank you for praying for that.

Bev starts her radiation on Monday. If you could keep her covered in prayer we would appreciate that.

Also for the vehicles, everything seems to be breaking right now. This is concerning because donations are down this month. So if you haven’t donated I’m going to ask you to donate now and become a part of what God has going on right now in Uganda. Thank you to everyone who is participating, not just with prayer but also financially, it helps so much.

Besides that I’ve been preparing for the students to return. They come back in a few days and classes start again. We will keep pushing forward making disciples that can make disciples. Next week I expect a lot more to be going on.

One more prayer request for the upcoming roundtable. We’re going to talk about, is it okay to have multiple wives? Should be an interesting conversation as that is common here…

Thank you guys for praying and I’ll talk to you next week.

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